Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Finish the sentences.

I am listening to...
My next-door neighbor mow his lawn

I talk..
With my emotions

I love...
My husband

My best friend(s)...
Is about to have my 3rd godchild

My first real kiss…
Was not that great

I've lost...
A certain amount of trust in people

Love is...
Very special when it’s real

Marriage is...
An anchor in my life

Somewhere, someone...
knows me for me…and loves me anyway

I'll always be...
Apprehensive around certain people

I have a secret crush on...
Mellow Mushroom cheese calzones

The last time I cried was...
This afternoon

My cell phone...
is extremely overused

When I wake up in the morning...
I hit Robert…and snooze

Before I go to sleep tonight...
I’ll tell my husband I love him

Right now I am thinking about...
Too many things to put here

Words can be...
Extraordinarily helpful and loving but also extraordinarily hurtful

I get on myspace to...
Honestly, I’m not sure why I get on myspace. I’m contemplating shutting all these things down.

Today I...
Had a rough day.

Tonight I will...

Tomorrow I will...
Clean out my mother’s garage with her and my husband

I really want...
To understand a lot of things about life

The person who means most to me in the world right now...
Is laying with me on my hammock. And it’s wonderful.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Love this....but there's still no pic! ;-)