Thursday, April 10, 2008


I is for Indifferent

can i still blame mood swings on crazy hormones? i delivered abigail 5 months ago TODAY (holy crap!!!) so is it still okay to say "i just had a baby. my hormones are going crazy." in response to foul moods and bad days? today i just feel indifferent. well, this week i just feel indifferent. i've been in a funk for the past few days and i don't know what it's about. i'm thinking hormones (seriously) but i dont' know. i'm not depressed. i'm not mad. i'm not anything like that. i'm just indifferent. i think i'm just tired. BUT! roni is coming over tonight and that always makes everything better!!!!

I is for Indifferent.


Erin said...

yeah...hello, I'm nine months out....and I still have to say that. sucks.....

Mandora the Explorer said...

I feel ya' Jill. I'm definitely in a 'meh' kind of mood the last few days. Very 'whatever' feeling. We can definitely say hormones! :)

Anonymous said...

You mean normal ;) Miss you!!!
