Friday, January 11, 2008

why are some decisions so hard to make? i've been struggling with one in particular for the last 2 weeks. well, it's been longer than that, but the intense part of it has been 2 weeks. i'm constantly fighting with myself over what to do, who to listen to, how to go about this, etc. i get varying opinions and suggestions -- who do i listen to? everyone has a different take on MY situation...even the "experts" have different takes! what is right? which road is the right road? i think it is quite possibly THE most frustrated i've ever been in my life....


Mommakitten said...

Honey, what's going on?

Anonymous said...

Thinking about you!

Mommakitten said...

I pumped for 7 weeks. I decided to stop because my supply was so low I was getting so depressed. I mean way too depressed, it wasn't healthy. They got the first 7 weeks and that is what matters. I was afraid of what would happen when they got home, because of Aiden's poor weight gain I would of only been able to breast feed once or twice a day. The rest I would have to pump. Having two little men here and having to pump every 3 hours plus feed two of them every 3 hours, and then try to remember to feed myself and get stuff done around here, take care of my older son Adam, and then try to make time for our Lord? Yea that wouldn't of all happened. I would be rail thin from breast feeding two little guys and running around like a chicken with my head cut off. So I did what my heart told me to do, and I prayed... Then He answered and told me to quit burdening myself with unnecessary things, they got what they needed. So we started on Similac Neosure. And here we are :)